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Copy of How Positive Affirmations Works

Crush Your NegativeThoughts Lift Your Mood Anywhere, Anytime ! Whether you're aware of it or not, there are incessantly negative emotions and thoughts going on inside your mind all day, every day. From the moment you wake up until you go to sleep, your “mind” experiences a range of depressing emotions. Pondering over past events, overthinking over the future ones and everything in between. Did you know that negative thoughts can wreak havoc on your immune system and can cause a wide variety of illnesses ! Well there is a powerful yet simple tool that can transform your life and help you turn your negative thoughts into a positive one. The tool at your disposal is Positive affirmations. Positive Affirmations are...

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How Positive Affirmations Works

Crush Your NegativeThoughts Lift Your Mood Anywhere, Anytime ! Whether you're aware of it or not, there are incessantly negative emotions and thoughts going on inside your mind all day, every day. From the moment you wake up until you go to sleep, your “mind” experiences a range of depressing emotions. Pondering over past events, overthinking over the future ones and everything in between. Did you know that negative thoughts can wreak havoc on your immune system and can cause a wide variety of illnesses ! Well there is a powerful yet simple tool that can transform your life and help you turn your negative thoughts into a positive one. The tool at your disposal is Positive affirmations. Positive Affirmations are...

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