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Why we don't offer Cash On Delivery ?

We apologize, but we do not offer the most popular payment option you love.

It isn’t that we never offered the same, but rather we have discontinued it.

 Here's why we did it?

Every order we receive comes with a very unique personalization word to be engraved.

Our dedicated team of Artisans & underprivileged women put a lot of effort in customizing each order according to the customers' requests.

But there are certain section of people in our society that have been misusing Cash On Delivery option to place fraud orders on fake addresses.

Here's some screenshot of fake orders we have received.

Fraud order1fraud order 2

The image below shows all the orders returned back to us due to fake addresses.

returned order

What we do with these returned orders ?
With a very heavy ❤, We throw them out in the garbage.

The hours of work put up by our dedicated team goes for a toss due to the actions of the few Cash On Delivery buyers.

As you would expect, to cover for our employees and thrown products, we’re forced to charge higher for our product and you’d end up paying more.  For no fault of yours.

Is that fair?

We decided that it isn't.

It’s not fair that a few mindless customers affect the spirit of our company, put our workers at risk and drive up your purchase cost.

That’s why…

Even though we know Cash on Delivery is your favorite way to pay.

Even though it's the easiest.

Even though its symbol of trust to have a COD option…

For the sake of our artisans, we've decided to remove Cash on Delivery as a payment option.

We’re doing it because we care more deeply about our artisans.
But most importantly…

We care about you.

We care about you getting the most value from your money.

And so far, data proves us right- bracelet prices dropped from Rs 599 to Rs 349- a massive drop in pricing.

And more love and joy for you!

Now you may wonder... What if you pay online and we don't send your order ?

It will be counterproductive to our business and goodwill. We grow as a company, only if you appreciate what we sell and come back for more products, isn't?

Still if you are not comfortable paying online, you can opt to pay via upi / paytm & Gpay. To opt for the same, Whatsapp us at 9945630077

We hope, that you understand the effect of C.O.D. and will support us in our decision.

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